

Rosângela Rennó

Artist, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

ROSÂNGELA RENNÓ (Belo Horizonte, 1962) lives and works in Rio de Janeiro. Graduated in Fine Arts from the Guignard School and in Architecture from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Arts Doctorate from the School of Communications and Arts at USP. Her work is characterized by the appropriation of discarded images, found in flea markets and fairs, and by the investigation of the relations between memory and forgetfulness. In her photographs, objects, videos or installations, she works with family albums and images obtained in public or private archives. Also dedicates herself to the creation of authorial books.
Selected solo exhibitions:
Appel Foundation (Amsterdã, 1995), Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles, 1996), Australian Center for Photography (Sydney, 1999), Instituto Tomie Ohtake (São Paulo, 2001), Museu de Arte da Pampulha (Belo Horizonte, 2002), Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro, 2003), Museu de Arte Moderna Aloisio Magalhães (Recife, 2006), Prefix Institute Contemporary Art (Toronto, 2008), Pharos Center for Contemporary Art (Nicosia, 2009), Bazar Mitre, Centro de Fotografía (Montevidéu, 2011), Centro de Arte Moderna CAM - Fundação Gulbenkian (Lisboa, 2012), FotoMuseum (Winterthur, 2012), Soirée Nomade, Fondation Cartier (Paris, 2014), Centro Atlântico de Arte Moderno CAAM (Las Palmas, 2014), Photographers’ Gallery (Londres, 2016), Oi Futuro (Rio de Janeiro, 2016), Instituto Moreira Salles (Rio de janeiro, 2017).